Damn, it's almost the end of the September holidays!
I hope all you fellow oxyvivas have spent their time wisely, because I know I have not 8)
Anyway, EOYs are coming up! Scary. I think most of us are kinda still processing the fact that we'll be SEC FOURS next year. Time flies.......
I have nothing left to say. So, remindersssssssss........
1. REPORT BOOKS! Sign and return(: It'll be easier for Mr Lim and the Monitors.
2. Homework! Finish, or think of excuses, or burn it, or feed it to your pet, or something something something (:
3. Smile!(: I know it sounds stupid and useless, but I say it (or type it) with good spirit. Smiling is good. Frowning is bad. Frowning make most people look constipated. 8D
Enjoy whatever's left of your weekend!
Sara(:P.S. I miss the class :(